Expected Progeny Differences (EPDs)
The 2023 EPD calculation is complete and many of our alpacas are in the top 15%, 10%, 5% and even 1% in seven of the measured traits. There were just under 55,000 female and nearly 31,000 male alpacas which participated in the EPD program in 2023. Here are the traits we're highlighting and what they mean:
AFD - Average Fiber Diameter. Indicates fineness (softness)
SDAFD - Standard Deviation of AFD. Indicates uniformity of fleece
SF - Spin Fineness. Indicates performance of fleece when spun
%>30 - Percentage of fibers greater than 30 microns. The lower the micron the softer and more uniform the fleece. Being in the higher percentage bracket means that you have fewer fibers greater than 30 microns
MC - Mean Curvature. Indicates the degree of frequency in crimp. A higher crimp frequency is more desirable
MSL - Mean Staple Length. Indicates the length of the fleece. Longer fleece is more desirable
FW - Fleece Weight. The amount of fleece an alpaca produces
*Asterisks* around an alpaca's name means it has already been sold in 2024
AFD - Average Fiber Diameter. Indicates fineness (softness)
SDAFD - Standard Deviation of AFD. Indicates uniformity of fleece
SF - Spin Fineness. Indicates performance of fleece when spun
%>30 - Percentage of fibers greater than 30 microns. The lower the micron the softer and more uniform the fleece. Being in the higher percentage bracket means that you have fewer fibers greater than 30 microns
MC - Mean Curvature. Indicates the degree of frequency in crimp. A higher crimp frequency is more desirable
MSL - Mean Staple Length. Indicates the length of the fleece. Longer fleece is more desirable
FW - Fleece Weight. The amount of fleece an alpaca produces
*Asterisks* around an alpaca's name means it has already been sold in 2024
Geogianna of Legacy's Conclusive - AFD, SDAFD, SF, %>30
Poseidon Isaac's Matoskah - AFD, SF, %>30
Sugar Hollow's Long Tall Sally - SDAFD
*Matoskah's Peg of Sugar Hollow* - %>30
Snowmass Secret Ovation - FW
LAAF Starz Legend's Cleo - FW
Sugar Hollow's Cecilia - FW
Poseidon Isaac's Matoskah - AFD, SF, %>30
Sugar Hollow's Long Tall Sally - SDAFD
*Matoskah's Peg of Sugar Hollow* - %>30
Snowmass Secret Ovation - FW
LAAF Starz Legend's Cleo - FW
Sugar Hollow's Cecilia - FW
VBA AMAF Nitza - AFD, SF, %>30, MC, FW
*Matoskah's Peg of Sugar Hollow* - AFD (top 2%), SDAFD, SF
Sugar Hollow Matoskah's Ready Teddy - AFD, SDAFD, SF, %>30
Snowmass Sexy Sadie - SDAFD, SF, FW
*Sugar Hollow's Louie Louie* - SDAFD, SF, FW
Poseidon Isaac's Matoskah - SDAFD
*Sugar Hollow's Daydream Believer* - SDAFD
Snowmass Secret Ovation - SDAFD
King Leonidus' Tiny Dancer - SDAFD
Sugar Hollow's Cecilia - SDAFD
Inspiration's Keep The Faith - %>30
*Matoskah's Peg of Sugar Hollow* - AFD (top 2%), SDAFD, SF
Sugar Hollow Matoskah's Ready Teddy - AFD, SDAFD, SF, %>30
Snowmass Sexy Sadie - SDAFD, SF, FW
*Sugar Hollow's Louie Louie* - SDAFD, SF, FW
Poseidon Isaac's Matoskah - SDAFD
*Sugar Hollow's Daydream Believer* - SDAFD
Snowmass Secret Ovation - SDAFD
King Leonidus' Tiny Dancer - SDAFD
Sugar Hollow's Cecilia - SDAFD
Inspiration's Keep The Faith - %>30
Inspiration's Keep The Faith - AFD, SDAFD, SF,
Sugar Hollow's Rhiannon - SF, %>30
Snowmass Secret Ovation - SF, %>30
King Leonidus' Tiny Dancer - SF, %>30
Snowmass Sexy Sadie - AFD, %>30
*Sugar Hollow's Louie Louie* - AFD, SF
*Jumpin Jack Flash's Maybellene* - SDAFD
*Sugar Hollow's Bohemian Rhapsody* - %>30
Sugar Hollow's Rhiannon - SF, %>30
Snowmass Secret Ovation - SF, %>30
King Leonidus' Tiny Dancer - SF, %>30
Snowmass Sexy Sadie - AFD, %>30
*Sugar Hollow's Louie Louie* - AFD, SF
*Jumpin Jack Flash's Maybellene* - SDAFD
*Sugar Hollow's Bohemian Rhapsody* - %>30
Snowmass Secret Ovation - AFD, MC, MSL
*Sugar Hollow's Bohemian Rhapsody* - AFD, SF
*Sugar Hollow's Ramblin Man* - AFD, SF
Sugar Hollow's Cecilia - AFD, %>30
Sugar Hollow's Long Tall Sally - SF, %>30
Sugar Hollow's Rhiannon - AFD
King Leonidus' Tiny Dancer - AFD
LAAF Starz Legend's Cleo - SDAFD
Poseidon Isaac's Matoskah - MC
Snowmass Sexy Sadie - MC
*Matoskah's Peg of Sugar Hollow* - MC
*Sugar Hollow's Bohemian Rhapsody* - AFD, SF
*Sugar Hollow's Ramblin Man* - AFD, SF
Sugar Hollow's Cecilia - AFD, %>30
Sugar Hollow's Long Tall Sally - SF, %>30
Sugar Hollow's Rhiannon - AFD
King Leonidus' Tiny Dancer - AFD
LAAF Starz Legend's Cleo - SDAFD
Poseidon Isaac's Matoskah - MC
Snowmass Sexy Sadie - MC
*Matoskah's Peg of Sugar Hollow* - MC